Mastering Forensic Linguistics

Yesterday, I put on some funny robes and participated in a mysterious ceremony signifying that I've finished my forensic linguistics studies at Hofstra University.

I am a storm of emotions now. Of course I'm supremely happy to have achieved my dream of earning a master's degree in forensic linguistics, but I'm also sad that it's over. I also have a little panic and fear about my immediate future. I'm not done with my formal education just yet, and there's a lot I need to do to get myself in the position to continue.

To qualify for my dream career as a professional forensic linguistic analyst, I need to earn a PhD.

Most importantly, I intend to relocate to Chicago to be closer to my family. I've made some promises to some important, tiny people, and the relocation is quite non-negotiable at this point. Unfortunately for me, the US is lacking in forensic linguistics degree programs. Until earlier this year when the California University of Pennsylvania announced their new forensic linguistics MA program, Hofstra University had the only one in the US. Other programs and colleges exist, especially in the UK and other countries, but certainly none in Chicago. This isn't an impossible problem, however. I think a PhD in sociolinguistics or a similar focus would also suit me. So I'm at the phase now where I need to apply to those programs.

The real challenge will be relocating to Chicago. I've got to save up for a new place and travel expenses, all while still paying rent in New York. This challenge is the part of my immediate future that gives me the most anxiety. In the meantime, I will still be blogging!


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